
Found 77
Ayvlazin powder
Composition: 1 g of the preparation contains 1 g of acetylisovaleryltylosin tartrate.
Application: orally
Indications: Effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as mycoplasmas such as Mycoplasma gallisepticum, M. synoviae, M. hyopneumoniae, Lawsonia intracelularis, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, Brachyspira pilosicoli, B. Hyodysenteriae, Clostridium perfringens.
Composition: в 1,0 мл препарата содержится 100 мг азитромицина, 10 мг лидокаина гидрохлорида, вспомогательные вещества (кислота лимонная, натрия гидроксид, тиоглицерол) и растворитель - до 1,0 мл.
Application: в/м, п/к
Indications: препарат применяют для лечения крупному рогатому скоту, овцам, козам, свиньям, кошкам и собакам при бактериальных инфекциях органов дыхания, пищеварительной и мочеполовой системы, а также инфекциях кожи и мягких тканей, вызываемых микроорганизмами, чувствительными к азитромицину, для терапии некробактериоза, рожи свиней и микоплазменных инфекци
Albazen 0.36 tablets (6 tabs / strip, 100 tabs / can)
Composition: One tablet contains 0.36 g of albendazole, excipients and fillers - up to 1.0 g.
Application: orally, together with food
Indications: The drug is used for deworming cattle, sheep, goats and wild ruminants with fascioliasis, moniesiasis, haemonhoses, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, nematodyrosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, dictioastulosis, mothylosis; horses with parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis and strongyloidosis, pigs with ascariasis, metastrongylosis, esophagostomosis; birds with ascariasis, heterokidosis.
Albazen 10% suspension (Fl 100 ml, fl 500 ml, 1 l)
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.1 g of albendazole and fillers - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for deworming cattle, sheep, goats and wild ruminants with fascioliasis, moniesiasis, haemonhoses, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, nematodirosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, capillaryhocelerosis, cholerosis horses with parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis and strongyloidosis, pigs with ascariasis, metastrongylosis, esophagostomosis; birds with ascariasis, heterokidosis.
Albazen 2.5% suspension
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.025 g of albendazole and fillers - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for deworming cattle, sheep, goats and wild ruminants with fascioliasis, moniesiasis, haemonhoses, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, nematodyrosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, dictiochulostoceulosis, ileuschiasis, trichostrongylosis; horses with parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis and strongyloidosis, pigs with ascariasis, metastrongylosis, esophagostomosis; birds with ascariasis, heterokidosis.
Albazen 20% granulate
Composition: 1.0 g of the drug contains 0.2 g of albendazole and fillers - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for deworming cattle, sheep, goats, wild ruminants with fascioliasis, moniesiasis, haemonhoses, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, nematodirosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, capillarycauleusiasis, cholerosis horses with parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis and strongyloidosis; pigs with ascariasis, metastrongylosis, esophagostomosis; birds with ascariasis, heterocytosis; fish with ligulosis, caviosis, botryocephalosis and mixed cestodoses.
Amoxicillin 10% powder
Composition: 100.0 g of the drug contains 10.0 g of amoxicillin trihydrate and a filler - up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is effective for animals with diseases: - gastrointestinal tract; - respiratory organs; - genitourinary system
Acidox powder (doxycycline + vitS)
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 10.0 g of doxycycline hydrochloride, 2.0 ascorbic acid and up to 100.0 filler.
Application: orally
Indications: They are used for young animals and cattle and pigs for infectious diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to tetracyclines.
Biovit-R 150 powder
Composition: 1.0 g of the preparation contains 0.15 g of chlortetracycline hydrochloride and a filler up to 1 g.
Application: orally
Indications: It is used for the prevention and treatment of farm animals and poultry with colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis., Staphylococcal infection, rickettsiosis, actinomycosis and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to tetracycline preparations. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of rubella, inflammation of the swim bladder and other infectious diseases of fish caused by microorganisms sensitive to tetracycline drugs.
Bioquinol powder
Composition: contains in 1.0 g as an active ingredient 120 mg of chalquinol, as well as an auxiliary component - dextrose monohydrate - up to 1.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used in pigs for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in case of dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, staphylococcosis, clostridiosis, eimeriosis, cryptosporidiosis, balantidiosis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, also caused by microorganisms, and also ...
Biosan (drying powder for piglets)
Composition: The composition includes: algae micropowder, or MCC, or starch, dolomite flour, racemic camphor, aerosil B.
Application: Dry. Powder
Indications: Used as a means of caring for animals, as a desiccant for bedding and powder.
Biochelate gel (for hooves)
Composition: 1.0 l of the preparation contains 50 g of copper complexonate, auxiliary substances (zinc sulfate, lactic acid, triethylene glycol, surfactant (synthanol ALM)), purified water up to 1.0 l.
Application: outwardly
Indications: The drug is used externally in large and small ruminants for the treatment and prevention of purulent-necrotic diseases of the hooves of bacterial etiology.
Vetbidol (anti-viral) 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains 0.05 g of arbidol hydrochloride (Arbidol) and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: i / m, s / c
Indications: The drug is used in young cattle and pigs as an antiviral agent in the complex therapy and prevention of diseases accompanied by a decrease in the general resistance of the body and the development of immune deficiencies (dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia of various etiologies, underdevelopment of young animals).
Vitamix-1 powder (50 g, 1 kg)
Composition: 1,000 g contains: vitamin A - 10,000,000 IU; vitamin D3 -20,000,000 IU; vitamin E - 4,000 mg; vitamin B1 -1000 mg; vitamin B2 - 2,000 mg; vitamin K3 (menadione) -2,000 mg; selenium-33 mg; vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 12,000 mg; vitamin Bs (folic acid) - 300 mg; vitamin B6 - 1 600 mg; calcium pantothenate - 4000 mg; antioxidant (VTN) - 1,000 mg; betaine - 8,000 mg; methionine 1%; lysine - 2%; chlorides - 0.978%; sodium - 0.285%; calcium - 0.39%.
Application: orally
Indications: Premix "Vitamix-1" is used to enrich diets with vitamins and biologically active substances, to increase the productivity of animals, to prevent vitamin deficiency, to increase the natural resistance of animals, as well as to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in animals and birds. Premix "Vitamix-1" is designed to optimize diets and normalize vitamin metabolism in pigs, cattle and poultry.
Vitasorb (mycotoxin adsorbent) powder 1 kg
Composition: The feed additive contains: mineral adsorbent (glauconite or bentonite or kaolinite) and auxiliary substances.
Application: orally
Indications: The feed additive is used for all types of agricultural animals and poultry to prevent and reduce the risk of developing mycotoxicosis.
Glutar 1 l
Composition: 1.0 l of the preparation contains 40.0 g of glutaraldehyde, 32.0 g of glycosal, 100.0 g of didecyldimethylammonium chloride and water and up to 1.0 l.
Application: Disinf room
Indications: The solution is used for cleaning and disinfection of premises, vehicles, equipment, tools, etc.
Doxivit 10% solution (doxycycline) 1 l
Composition: 100.0 ml of the drug contains 10.0 g of doxycycline hyclate.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used by young animals of all types of farm animals and birds with mycoplasmosis, rickettsiosis, chlamydia, streptococcosis, staphylococcosis, clostridiosis, salmonellosis, escherichiosis and other infectious diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to tetracyclines.
Дистреп 400 LA
Composition: 1,0 мл препарата содержится 200 мг дигидрострептомицина сульфата, 120 мг бензилпенициллина прокаина, 80 мг бензилпенициллина бензатина, вспомогательные вещества
Application: в/м, п/к
Indications: Препарат применяют для лечения крупного и мелкого рогатого скота, свиней, собак и кошек при инфекциях дыхательных путей (трахеит, бронхит, пневмония, бронхопневмония), почек и мочевыводящих путей (пиелонефрит, цистит), опорно-двигательного аппарата (артриты, ламиниты), инфекциях кожи и мягких тканей (раны, абсцессы, миозиты, омфалит и омфалофлебит), метрите, мастите, лептоспирозе, роже свиней и других заболеваниях, вызванных возбудителями, чувствительными к бензилпенициллину и дигидрострептомицину.
Doramek, an injectable drug Fl 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 10 mg of doramectin.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used in farm animals (cattle, sheep, pigs) for parasitic diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to doramectin.
Duocillin LA, injection (Fl 50 ml, Fl 100 ml)
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 10 mg of doramectin.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used in farm animals (cattle, sheep, pigs) for parasitic diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to doramectin.
Imuprofen 10% powder (antipyretic) 1 kg
Composition: 100.0 g of the drug contains 10.0 g of ibuprofen and a filler - up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used as a therapeutic agent in the complex therapy of farm animals for gastroenteritis, bronchopneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, pain syndromes as an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. The drug is prescribed to piglets when weaning them from sows in order to prevent post-weaning stress and the development of various diseases against this background.
Carnivette solution 1 l
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains: L-carnitine hydrochloride - 0.05 g, magnesium sulfate seven-water - 0.20 g; auxiliary substances: sorbitol - 0.25 g, purified water and other fillers up to 1.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used in poultry, pigs, cattle for the prevention and treatment of hepatosis of various origins, to improve digestion in complex therapy for gastroenteritis and abomazoenteritis, with malnutrition of animals and poultry, as well as to improve metabolic functions in animals and poultry during critical periods of life (stress, intense growth, productivity, etc.).
Quinostim 20 kg
Composition: quinocetol 10.0 g, filler (glucose) up to 100.0 g
Application: orally
Indications: Pigs with gastrointestinal diseases
Camphor-ichthyol ointment Jar 500 g
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains camphor and ichthyol 10.0 g each, ointment base up to 100.0 g.
Application: outwardly
Indications: The drug is used in animals for arthritis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, bruises, fistulas, rheumatic inflammation of the muscles, mastitis in dry cows.
Lantavet ointment Tube 50 g
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 4.5 g of glycolan (triethylene glycol lanthanum trinitrate monohydrate) and a hydrophilic base up to 100.0 g.
Application: outwardly
Indications: The drug is used to treat large and small ruminants, horses, pigs, unproductive domestic animals, fur-bearing animals when: - solar, thermal, chemical burns and frostbite; - bruises, wounds, abrasions; - staphylococcal and streptococcal pyoderma, microbial eczema, otitis media. The drug is used to treat and prevent cracks and dryness of the skin of the udder nipples, in order to prevent mastitis, to treat the skin of the attendants' hands when milking animals.
Marboflox (marbofloxacin + ribavirin), injection Fl 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 cm3 of the drug contains 0.02 g of marbofloxacin and ribavirin and a solvent of up to 1.0 cm3.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, staphylococcosis, swine erysipelas, porcine bordetelliosis, MMA syndrome, associative diseases of bacterial and viral etiology, viral infections with lesions of the respiratory and other organs and other intestinal tracts. caused by pathogens sensitive to the drug in young farm animals, pigs, cats and dogs (plague, adenovirosis, viral enteritis, hepatitis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc.).
Mequindox 10% powder 1 kg, 20 kg
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 10.0 g of mequindox and filler up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used to treat bacterial enteritis, pneumonia, dysentery, colibacillosis, pig pasteurellosis caused by sensitive microflora: Escherichia coli, Salmonella choleraesuis, Treponema hyodysenteriae.
Mequindox suspension 1 l
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 50.0 g of mekvindox auxiliary components and purified water to 1.0 ml
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for young cattle and small ruminants and adult pigs with dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, staphylococcosis, dysentery in piglets.
Mexico, injectable drug 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains: meloxicam 20.0 mg, excipients and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c, i / v
Indications: The drug is used by farm animals as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agent in complex therapy for obstetric and gynecological (mastitis, endometritis, mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome), gastrointestinal (diarrhea of ​​various etiologies), respiratory (pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.) pathologies, as well as in acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by pain and inflammation (fractures, traumatic arthropathies, sprains and tendons, osteoarthritis, chronic degenerative joint diseases, etc.) and elimination of pain syndrome of various etiologies in animals.
Mildrovet (metabolic), injectable 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains meldonium - 0.1 g and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in horses, cattle, pigs, dogs and cats in complex therapy to increase the body's resistance to various diseases (bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis), to treat animals and prevent functional diseases of the nervous system (stress, neurosis), acute and chronic heart failure.
Norfloxacin nicotinate 20% powder 1 kg
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 20.0 g of norfloxacin nicotinate and filler up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used in young farm animals and poultry as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcal infection, hemophilia and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug.
Oxytetracycline g / x 20% powder 1 kg
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 20.0 g of oxytetracycline hydrochloride and excipients up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcal infection, rickettsiosis, actinomycosis and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to drugs of the tetracycline group.
Oxytetracycline tablets Bank 250 pcs
Composition: One tablet contains 0.25 g of oxytetracycline hydrochloride and excipients up to 0.5 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used by agricultural and small domestic animals for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcal infection, rickettsiosis, actinomycosis and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to drugs of the tetracycline group.
Polybrominated concentrate powder (0.05kg, 1kg)
Composition: 1.0 g of the drug contains 0.05 g of tylosin tartrate, 0.175 g of sulfadimidine, 0.035 g of trimethoprim, 300,000 IU of colistin sulfate, 0.01 g of bromhexine hydrochloride and a filler - up to 1.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of young cattle and small ruminants, pigs, poultry for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract caused by pathogens sensitive to the drug; mycoplasmosis, bacterial complications of viral diseases.
Composition: в 1,0 мл препарата содержится 0,1 г тулатромицина, вспомогательные вещества (монотиоглицерол 0,005 г) и растворитель до 1,0 мл.
Application: подкожно
Indications: препарат применяют с лечебной целью крупному рогатому скоту при пастереллезе, гемофиллезе, микоплазмозе, свиньям – с лечебной и профилактической целями при актинобациллезе, микоплазмозе и других инфекционных заболеваниях, возбудители которых чувствительными к тулатромицину.
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains 100 mg of ketoprofen, auxiliary substances (sodium hydroxide, L-arginine) and solvent - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: intramuscularly, intravenously
Indications: Preparation is applied to cattle, pigs, horses, dogs and cats as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agent in complex therapy in obstetric-gynaecological (mastitis, endometritis, mastitis-metrite-agalactia syndrome), gastrointestinal (colic), respiratory pathologies (pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.)as well as acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by pain and inflammation (postoperative pains, fractures, traumatic arthropathies, sprained ligaments and tendons, osteoarthritis, chronic degenerative joint diseases, etc.) and to eliminate pain syndrome of various etiologies.
Ramoxil LA (amoxicillin 15% prolonged) injectable preparation (Fl 50 ml, Fl 100 ml)
Composition: 1 ml of the drug contains 0.15 g of amoxicillin trihydrate and excipients up to 1 ml
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in cattle, pigs, dogs and cats for infections of soft tissues and skin, gastrointestinal, respiratory and urinary tract, as well as for mastitis and endometritis.
Ratox (Fl 100 ml, 1 l)
Composition: Contains 5% deltamethrin, emulsifiers and organic solvents.
Application: outwardly
Indications: For the prevention and treatment of arachnoentomoses in animals, as well as for disinsection and deacarization of livestock buildings. Pharmachologic effect: Possesses a wide spectrum of insectoacaricidal action.
Racidol (Fl 100 ml, 1 l)
Composition: Contains 60% diazinone, emulsifiers and organic solvents.
Application: outwardly
Indications: The drug is used to combat psoroptosis of cattle, sheep, sarcoptic mange of pigs, external entomoses of animals, to protect animals from ixodid ticks, flies and other ectoparasites, as well as to deacarize livestock and poultry buildings.
Refkin 2.5%, injectable drug Fl 100 ml
Composition: 100 ml of the preparation contains 2.5 g of cefkinom, 0.1 g of methylparaben, 1.0 g of aluminum monostearate, and up to 100 ml of caprylic triglyceride.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in cattle and pigs for bacterial infections of the respiratory and digestive systems (pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, streptococcosis, actinobacterial pleuropneumonia, hemophilic polyserositis, etc.). For cattle, the drug is also used for panaritiums, ulcers of the hoof sole, purulent pododermatitis, necrobacteriosis, mastitis of bacterial etiology, septicemia, pigs with meningitis, erysipelas arthritis, infectious dermatitis, MMA syndrome in sows.
Refkin 7.5%, injectable drug Fl 100 ml
Composition: 100 ml of the drug contains cefkinoma - 7.5 g, methylparaben - 0.1 g, aluminum monostearate - 2.5 g, caprylic triglyceride up to 100 ml
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in cattle and pigs for bacterial infections of the respiratory and digestive systems (pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, streptococcosis, actinobacterial pleuropneumonia, hemophilic polyserositis, etc.). For cattle, the drug is also used for panaritiums, ulcers of the hoof sole, purulent pododermatitis, necrobacteriosis, mastitis of bacterial etiology, septicemia, pigs with meningitis, erysipelas arthritis, infectious dermatitis, MMA syndrome in sows.
Recef 4.0g (waiting for milk 0 days) injectable preparation Fl 100 ml
Composition: A bottle with a capacity of 100 ml contains 4.0 g of ceftiofur sodium salt
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: Used to treat: respiratory diseases and necrobacteriosis of cattle; respiratory infections of small cattle, pigs, horses; respiratory and urogenital infections of dogs, as well as for the prevention of bacterial infections of chickens and turkey poults caused by microorganisms sensitive to ceftiofur.
Reciph 50 Fl 100 ml
Composition: 1 ml of the preparation contains 0.05 g of ceftiofur sodium salt and hydrophilic solvent up to 1 ml
Application: intravenously
Indications: Used to treat: respiratory diseases and necrobacteriosis of cattle; respiratory infections of small cattle, pigs, horses; respiratory and urogenital infections of dogs, as well as for the prevention of bacterial infections of chickens and turkey poults caused by microorganisms sensitive to ceftiofur.
Recefum 100
Composition: В 1,0 мл препарата содержится цефтиофура гидрохлорид - 100 мг, вспомогательные вещества: триглицериды жирных кислот, бензиловый спирт, сорбитана моноолеат.
Application: парентерально
Indications: Препарат применяют для лечения свиней и крупного рогатого скота при пастереллезе, стафилококкозе, стрептококкозе, колибактериозе, некробактериозе; при бронхопневмонии, бронхите, пневмонии, нефрите, пиелите, цистите, инфицированных ранах, гастроэнтерите; при сепсисе, перитоните, полиартритах, полисерозитах, послеродовых инфекциях, маститах, метритах и других заболеваниях, вызванных микроорганизмами, чувствительными к цефтиофуру.
Rivercon, an injectable drug Fl 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains: ivermectin - 10 mg, auxiliary substances (benzyl alcohol, ethanol, lidocaine hydrochloride) and solvent - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used in cattle, horses, pigs, small ruminants, dogs, cats, rabbits with therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for diseases caused by nematodes, lice, gadfly larvae, ticks and other arthropods. In cattle, the drug is used for dictyocaulosis, ostertagiasis, haemonchosis, trichostrongylosis, cooperiosis, habertiosis, esophagostomosis, nematodyrosis, bunostomosis, strongyloidosis, trichocephalosis, telasiosis, hypodermosis. For horses, the drug is used for parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongilatosis, strongyloidosis, parafilariasis, psoroptosis, sarcoptic mange, chorioptosis, gastrophilia, rhinestrosis and against ixodid ticks. Pigs: with ascariasis, trichocephalosis, esophagostomosis, metastrongylosis, ollulonosis, strongyloidosis, sifunculatosis and sarcoptic mange. For small cattle, the drug is used for dictyocaulosis, protostrongylosis, haemonchiasis, esophagostomosis, strongyloidosis, trichostrongylosis, nematodyrosis, cooperiosis, habertiosis, trichocephalosis, melophagosis, estrogenesis and psortopathy. Dogs are used for toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariosis, ankylostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, dirofilariasis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis, otodectosis, demodicosis and sifunculitis. Cats are used for otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis, demodicosis, toxocariasis, ankylostomiasis, dirofilariasis. For rabbits, the drug is used for passalurosis, trichocephalosis, strongyloidosis, trichostrongylosis, sarcoptic mange, psoroptosis, notoedrosis and demodectic mange.
Rivertin 1%, granulate 1 kg
Composition: 1.0 g of the drug contains 0.01 g of ivermectin.
Application: orally
Indications: For large and small ruminants, the drug is prescribed for dictyocaulosis, ostertagiasis, hemonchosis, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, thelaziosis, sifunculosis, melophagosis, hypodermatosis, estrosis, psoroptosis and choriptosis. Horses and other non-artiodactyls with parascariosis, oxyurosis, strongilatosis, parafilariasis, gastrofiliasis and rhinestrosis. Pigs with ascariasis, esophagostomosis, trichocephalosis, strongyloidiasis, metastrongylosis, hematopinosis and sarcoptic mange. Fur animals with toxocariasis, toxascariasis, krenosomiasis, hookworm disease, uncinarosis, trichocephalosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis and sifunculosis. Rabbits with passalurosis and psoroptosis. Chickens with ascariasis, heterokidosis and capillariasis.
Roxilong 300 (oxytetracycline prolonged) injectable preparation Fl 100 ml
Composition: 1 ml of the drug contains 0.3 g of oxytetracycline hydrochloride.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug has a bacteriostatic effect, preventing the multiplication of sensitive gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (pasteurella, streptococci, staphylococci, corynebacteria, erysipelotrix, salmonella, pseudomonads, hemophilic bacteria, actinobacteria, escherichia, rickettsia, chylamydia).
Rubiotic 1 kg
Composition: The composition of the preparation includes: a mixture of cultures of probiotics Lactococcus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacterium at least 1x108 CFU / g at the time of release and at least 1x107 CFU / g during the shelf life; fillers (food lactose, dextrose)
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used to normalize the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the natural resistance and productivity of animals, including poultry and fish, as well as domestic animals.
Rutocin 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.07 mg of cabertocin and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: intravenously, intravenously
Indications: the drug is used in cows and sows with weak labor, retention of the placenta, subinvolution of the uterus, endometritis, mastitis, hypo- and agalactia, MMA syndrome in sows, to synchronize farrowing, to regulate milk flow in sows. Pharmachologic effect: Cabertocin has a prolonged effect, increases tone and enhances the contractile activity of the myometrium. It causes a reduction in the myoepithelium of the alveoli of the mammary gland, contributing to increased milk flow.
Ruferran 200 plus 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains: 200 mg of iron, in the form of iron dextran, excipients: aloe extract, solvents up to 1.0 ml.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in calves, lambs and piglets for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
Composition: препарат содержит в 1,0 мл в качестве действующего вещества 100,0 мг железа, а также вспомогательные компоненты: экстракт алоэ, консервант и растворитель - до 1,0 мл.
Application: в/м
Indications: препарат применяют телятам, ягнятам и поросятам для профилактики и лечения при железодефицитной анемии
Renrovet 0.15 tablets (enrofloxacin) Blister 6 pcs
Composition: 1 tablet contains 0.15 g of enrofloxacin hydrochloride.
Application: orally
Indications: It is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in young cattle and small ruminants, pigs, dogs and cats with colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcosis, mixed infections, infections of unknown etiology, bacterial complications of viral diseases.
Renrovet 10% powder (enrofloxacin) 1 kg
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 10.0 g of enrofloxacin and excipients up to 100.0 g
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcosis, mixed infections, infections of unknown etiology, bacterial complications of viral diseases in cattle and small ruminants, pigs, dogs, poultry. The drug is used to treat bacterial infections in fish (aeromonosis, pseudomonosis, cytobacteriosis).
Renrovet 10% solution (enrofloxacin) (syringe 10 ml, 1 l)
Composition: 1 ml of the drug contains 0.1 g of enrofloxacin.
Application: orally
Indications: Apply cattle, small cattle, pigs, poultry and dogs with colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcosis, mixed infections, infections of unknown etiology, bacterial complications of viral diseases.
Renrocol (enrofloxacin + colistin), injection Fl 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.1 g of enrofloxacin, 1,000,000 IU of colistin sulfate and hydrophilic solvent up to 1 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used as a remedy for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcosis, mixed infections and bacterial complications of viral diseases in young farm animals.
Renrocol solution (syringe 10 ml, 1 l)
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.1 g of enrofloxacin, 1,000,000 IU of colistin sulfate, solvent and excipients up to 1 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used as a remedy for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcosis, mixed infections, bacterial complications of viral diseases in pigs and poultry.
Selekar (B-carotene, Vit E, selenium), injection 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains: 0.002 g of beta-carotene, 0.25 g of vitamin E, 0.005 g of diacetophenonyl selenide and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of animals with diseases caused by a lack of vitamins A, E, selenium (white muscle disease, xerophthalmia, osteomalacia, tetany, toxic liver dystrophy, dermatitis). The drug is recommended in the complex therapy of animals with infectious and invasive diseases, as well as during the rehabilitation of the body after an illness, in stressful situations, a decrease in productivity, in non-healing wounds and ulcers, and bone fractures. The drug is used in case of non-compliance with the norms of feeding and keeping animals, as well as in violation of reproductive function, during pregnancy, lactation, to stimulate the growth of young animals, increase the reproductive capacity of cows, and prevent postpartum complications.
Stimulong, injectable drug 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.05 mg of cyanocobalamin, 0.1 g of butophosphamide and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used for all types of farm animals, dogs, cats, in complex therapy for hypotension and atony of the uterus, for the prevention of postpartum complications (tetany, postpartum paresis); as a tonic for fatigue in horses (2-3 days before the competition); young animals and poultry - complex therapy for bronchopneumonia, infections of soft tissues and skin, infections of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, for fractures for better regeneration of bone tissue; as an immunostimulating agent for mass infectious diseases of animals and poultry; with rickets, hypomagnesemia, with paresis and paralysis, with myocarditis and myocardosis; with metabolic disorders, anorexia, gastritis, anemia; as antitoxic for helminthiasis; to stimulate growth in puppies and kittens.
Surfagon-Rn 20 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains: surfagon - 5 μg, excipients and solvent - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: intravenously
Indications: for early induction of the sexual cycle; - for the treatment of hypofunction and follicular ovarian cysts; - to prevent early embryonic mortality; - to increase the fertility of cows and heifers; - induction of superovulation in donor cows; - stimulation and increase of sows fertility; - increasing the fertility of ewes; - stimulation of hunting and increasing the fertility of female rabbits with artificial insemination; The drug is administered intramuscularly
Tetramisole 10% powder 1 kg
Composition: 100.0 of the preparation contains 10.0 g of tetramisole hydrochloride and glucose up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for dictyocaulosis, trichocephalosis, hemonhoses, strongyloidiasis, nematodyrosis, metastrongylosis, ascariasis, esophagostomosis and other gastrointestinal nematodes of pigs.
Tetramisole 10% granulate (0.15kg, 1kg)
Composition: 100.0 of the preparation contains 10.0 g of tetramisole hydrochloride and glucose up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for dictyocaulosis, trichocephalosis, hemonhoses, strongyloidiasis, nematodyrosis, metastrongylosis, ascariasis, esophagostomosis and other gastrointestinal nematodes of pigs.
Tetramisole 20% powder 1 kg
Composition: 1.0 preparation contains 0.2 g of tetramisole hydrochloride and fillers up to 1.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for dictyocaulosis and trichocephalosis in cattle, sheep and goats; hemonchosis, strongyloidosis and nematodyrosis of sheep and goats; metastrongylosis, ascariasis, trichocephalosis, esophagostomosis and other gastrointestinal nematodes of pigs. In birds, the drug is used for ascariasis, capillariasis, heterocytosis, amidostomosis and syngamosis. The drug is used for phylometroidosis in cyprinids, as well as for anguilliosis of eel during its industrial cultivation in specialized fish farms, or when transporting planting material.
Tetramisole 20% granulate (0.15kg, 1kg)
Composition: 100.0 of the preparation contains 20.0 g of tetramisole hydrochloride and glucose up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for dictyocaulosis, trichocephalosis, hemonhoses, strongyloidiasis, nematodyrosis, metastrongylosis, ascariasis, esophagostomosis and other gastrointestinal nematodes of pigs.
Tiamutox (tiamulin + oxytetracycline) powder
Composition: 1.0 g of the preparation contains 0.08 g of oxytetracycline hydrochloride, 0.025 g of tiamulin hydrogen fumarate, a filler up to 1 g.
Application: orally
Indications: It is used for most bacterial infections of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract of pigs (dysentery, proliferative intestinal adenomatosis, enzootic pneumonia, with complications of secondary infection, salmonellosis, colibacillosis.
Tilar 50% powder, (tylosin) (0.2kg, 0.5kg)
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 50 g of tylosin tartrate and filler (glucose) up to 100 g.
Application: orally
Indications: It is used for diseases of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract of farm animals and poultry.
Tilar 50% solution, (tylosin) (syringe 10 ml, 1 l)
Composition: 100 ml of the preparation contains 50 g of tylosin tartrate and solvent up to 100 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: It is used for diseases of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract of farm animals and poultry.
Tilmicon solution, (tilmicosin) 1 l
Composition: 100 ml of the preparation contains 25 g of tilmicosin phosphate and solvent up to 100 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: Used in poultry for diseases of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract.
Torukox 5% suspension (250 ml, 1 l)
Composition: 100.0 ml of the preparation contains 5.0 g of toltrazuril and solvent up to 100.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for piglets in dysfunctional farms for the prevention and treatment of eimeriosis and isosporosis, as well as for calves for the prevention and treatment of eimeriosis; for the treatment of carnivores with eimeriosis and isosprosis.
Trimethox T powder (sulfadimezin + trimethoprim 1 kg
Composition: 1 g contains: 0.1 g of sulfadimidine and 0.02 g of trimethoprim, fillers up to 1 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used to treat cattle and pigs with pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sepsis, necrobacteriosis of sheep and reindeer, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis.
Trimethox tablets, (sulfadimezin + trimethopr 100 tab / can
Composition: One tablet contains 0.4 g of sulfadimidine and 0.08 g of trimethoprim.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcosis, mixed infections, bacterial complications of viral diseases in cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats.
Fenbazen 22.2%, granulate 1 kg
Composition: 1.0 g of the drug contains 0.222 g of fenbendazole and a filler up to 1.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is prescribed to cattle with dictyocaulosis and strongilatosis of the digestive tract, moniesiasis, trichocephalosis, capillariasis and strongyloidiasis. For small cattle (sheep and goats), the drug is prescribed for strongilatosis of the respiratory and digestive tract, moniesiasis, trichocephalosis, capillariasis and strongyloidiasis. Horses are prescribed the drug for parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongilatosis and strongyloidosis. For pigs, the drug is used for ascariasis, esophagostomosis and trichocephalosis. For pond fish (carp, carp, crucian carp and their hybrids, grass carp), the drug is used for caviosis, botryocephalosis, phylometroidosis and mixed cestodoses
Flavovit 8% powder (up to 500 kg volume) 1 kg, 25 kg
Composition: 1000 g contains: 80 g of flavophospholipol and 920 g of filler.
Application: orally
Indications: The feed additive is used for all types of farm animals, poultry, and fish for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, stabilization of intestinal microflora, and improvement of feed digestibility.
Flornixin, an injectable drug Fl 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.3 g of florfenicol, 0.025 g of flunixin meglumine and excipients up to 1 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used in pigs for infections of the respiratory tract, including pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Haemophilus spp., And / or Haemophilus parasuis, Pasteurella multocida, M. Hyopneumoniae, M. hyorhinis and atrophic rhinitis. Cattle are used for therapeutic purposes in respiratory infections caused by Pasteurella multocida, Klebsiella pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus somnus, as well as in hoof lesions (hoof rot, acute interdigital necrobacteriosis, infectious pododermatitis) and infectious pododermatitis) and infectious pododermatitis.
Enramycin 8% powder 1 kg, 25 kg
Composition: 100 g of the drug contains 8.0 g of enramycin.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for agricultural animals and poultry for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in gastrointestinal diseases caused by Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. For pigs: to reduce mortality in growing pigs, fattening pigs, sows caused by gram-positive bacteria that live in the intestine, including: Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. Poultry: to reduce mortality caused by gram-positive bacteria living in the gastrointestinal tract including: Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp .; to reduce the moisture content of the litter; to reduce the ammonia content in droppings or manure.
Estrofan-Rn 10 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains cloprostenol in the form of sodium salt - 250 μg, as well as auxiliary substances and solvent - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used to regulate reproductive function and treat its pathologies in females of farm animals, including: induction of sexual heat in cows, induction of farrowing in sows; treatment of cows with various forms of ovarian dysfunction: persistent corpus luteum, follicular (in combination with chorionic or luteinizing hormones) and luteal cysts, ovarian hypofunction (in combination with gonadotropin-releasing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone or gonadotropin preparations), serum gonadotropin prophylaxis postpartum diseases of the uterus; termination of pregnancy with fetal pathologies.
Рецеф-Форте 100
Composition: В 1,0 мл препарата содержится цефтиофур (в форме кристаллической свободной кислоты) – 100 мг, вспомогательные вещества: бензиловый спирт, триглицериды жирных кислот.
Application: в/м
Indications: Препарат применяют для лечения свиней при пастереллезе, стафилококкозе, стрептококкозе, колибактериозе, некробактериозе; при бронхопневмонии, бронхите, пневмонии, нефрите, пиелите, цистите, инфицированных ранах, гастроэнтерите; при сепсисе, перитоните, полиартритах, полисерозитах, послеродовых инфекциях, маститах, и других заболеваниях, вызванных микроорганизмами, чувствительными к цефтиофуру.
Composition: В 1,0 г препарата содержится 325 мг феноксиметилпенициллина калия и наполнитель (глюкозы моногидрат).
Application: Препарат применяют сельскохозяйственной птице (цыплята-бройлеры, ремонтный молодняк кур-несушек) и свиньям.
Indications: Cвиньям при стрептококкозе, гемофилезе, лептоспирозе, актинобациллезной плевропневмонии, пастереллезе, клостридиозе, роже свиней, а также при других патологиях органов дыхания и мочевыделительной системы, вызванных микроорганизмами, чувствительными к феноксиметилпенициллину.