
Found 17
Albazen 0.36 tablets (6 tabs / strip, 100 tabs / can)
Composition: One tablet contains 0.36 g of albendazole, excipients and fillers - up to 1.0 g.
Application: orally, together with food
Indications: The drug is used for deworming cattle, sheep, goats and wild ruminants with fascioliasis, moniesiasis, haemonhoses, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, nematodyrosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, dictioastulosis, mothylosis; horses with parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis and strongyloidosis, pigs with ascariasis, metastrongylosis, esophagostomosis; birds with ascariasis, heterokidosis.
Albazen 10% suspension (Fl 100 ml, fl 500 ml, 1 l)
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.1 g of albendazole and fillers - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for deworming cattle, sheep, goats and wild ruminants with fascioliasis, moniesiasis, haemonhoses, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, nematodirosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, capillaryhocelerosis, cholerosis horses with parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis and strongyloidosis, pigs with ascariasis, metastrongylosis, esophagostomosis; birds with ascariasis, heterokidosis.
Albazen 2.5% suspension
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.025 g of albendazole and fillers - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for deworming cattle, sheep, goats and wild ruminants with fascioliasis, moniesiasis, haemonhoses, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, nematodyrosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, dictiochulostoceulosis, ileuschiasis, trichostrongylosis; horses with parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis and strongyloidosis, pigs with ascariasis, metastrongylosis, esophagostomosis; birds with ascariasis, heterokidosis.
Albazen 20% granulate
Composition: 1.0 g of the drug contains 0.2 g of albendazole and fillers - up to 1.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for deworming cattle, sheep, goats, wild ruminants with fascioliasis, moniesiasis, haemonhoses, trichostrongylosis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, nematodirosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, capillarycauleusiasis, cholerosis horses with parascariasis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis and strongyloidosis; pigs with ascariasis, metastrongylosis, esophagostomosis; birds with ascariasis, heterocytosis; fish with ligulosis, caviosis, botryocephalosis and mixed cestodoses.
Amoxicillin 10% powder
Composition: 100.0 g of the drug contains 10.0 g of amoxicillin trihydrate and a filler - up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is effective for animals with diseases: - gastrointestinal tract; - respiratory organs; - genitourinary system
Amprobel-R powder (amprolium)
Composition: 1.0 g of the drug contains 0.3 g of amprolium hydrochloride and a filler - up to 1.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of eimeriosis in broiler chickens, replacement chickens, breeding birds, turkeys, quails, calves, goats and sheep.
Biovit-R 150 powder
Composition: 1.0 g of the preparation contains 0.15 g of chlortetracycline hydrochloride and a filler up to 1 g.
Application: orally
Indications: It is used for the prevention and treatment of farm animals and poultry with colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis., Staphylococcal infection, rickettsiosis, actinomycosis and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to tetracycline preparations. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of rubella, inflammation of the swim bladder and other infectious diseases of fish caused by microorganisms sensitive to tetracycline drugs.
Vitamix-1 powder (50 g, 1 kg)
Composition: 1,000 g contains: vitamin A - 10,000,000 IU; vitamin D3 -20,000,000 IU; vitamin E - 4,000 mg; vitamin B1 -1000 mg; vitamin B2 - 2,000 mg; vitamin K3 (menadione) -2,000 mg; selenium-33 mg; vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 12,000 mg; vitamin Bs (folic acid) - 300 mg; vitamin B6 - 1 600 mg; calcium pantothenate - 4000 mg; antioxidant (VTN) - 1,000 mg; betaine - 8,000 mg; methionine 1%; lysine - 2%; chlorides - 0.978%; sodium - 0.285%; calcium - 0.39%.
Application: orally
Indications: Premix "Vitamix-1" is used to enrich diets with vitamins and biologically active substances, to increase the productivity of animals, to prevent vitamin deficiency, to increase the natural resistance of animals, as well as to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in animals and birds. Premix "Vitamix-1" is designed to optimize diets and normalize vitamin metabolism in pigs, cattle and poultry.
Vitasorb (mycotoxin adsorbent) powder 1 kg
Composition: The feed additive contains: mineral adsorbent (glauconite or bentonite or kaolinite) and auxiliary substances.
Application: orally
Indications: The feed additive is used for all types of agricultural animals and poultry to prevent and reduce the risk of developing mycotoxicosis.
Glutar 1 l
Composition: 1.0 l of the preparation contains 40.0 g of glutaraldehyde, 32.0 g of glycosal, 100.0 g of didecyldimethylammonium chloride and water and up to 1.0 l.
Application: Disinf room
Indications: The solution is used for cleaning and disinfection of premises, vehicles, equipment, tools, etc.
Doxivit 10% solution (doxycycline) 1 l
Composition: 100.0 ml of the drug contains 10.0 g of doxycycline hyclate.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used by young animals of all types of farm animals and birds with mycoplasmosis, rickettsiosis, chlamydia, streptococcosis, staphylococcosis, clostridiosis, salmonellosis, escherichiosis and other infectious diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to tetracyclines.
Norfloxacin nicotinate 20% powder 1 kg
Composition: 100.0 g of the preparation contains 20.0 g of norfloxacin nicotinate and filler up to 100.0 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used in young farm animals and poultry as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcal infection, hemophilia and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug.
Oxytetracycline tablets Bank 250 pcs
Composition: One tablet contains 0.25 g of oxytetracycline hydrochloride and excipients up to 0.5 g.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used by agricultural and small domestic animals for colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, staphylococcal infection, rickettsiosis, actinomycosis and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to drugs of the tetracycline group.
Recef 4.0g (waiting for milk 0 days) injectable preparation Fl 100 ml
Composition: A bottle with a capacity of 100 ml contains 4.0 g of ceftiofur sodium salt
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: Used to treat: respiratory diseases and necrobacteriosis of cattle; respiratory infections of small cattle, pigs, horses; respiratory and urogenital infections of dogs, as well as for the prevention of bacterial infections of chickens and turkey poults caused by microorganisms sensitive to ceftiofur.
Stimulong, injectable drug 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.05 mg of cyanocobalamin, 0.1 g of butophosphamide and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used for all types of farm animals, dogs, cats, in complex therapy for hypotension and atony of the uterus, for the prevention of postpartum complications (tetany, postpartum paresis); as a tonic for fatigue in horses (2-3 days before the competition); young animals and poultry - complex therapy for bronchopneumonia, infections of soft tissues and skin, infections of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, for fractures for better regeneration of bone tissue; as an immunostimulating agent for mass infectious diseases of animals and poultry; with rickets, hypomagnesemia, with paresis and paralysis, with myocarditis and myocardosis; with metabolic disorders, anorexia, gastritis, anemia; as antitoxic for helminthiasis; to stimulate growth in puppies and kittens.
Torukox 2.5% solution (Fl 10 ml, Fl 100 ml, 1 L)
Composition: The drug is a colorless to yellow or brown liquid (opalescence is allowed). 100.0 ml of the drug contains 2.5 g of toltrazuril and excipients up to 100.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: It is used for the prevention and treatment of eimeriosis of broilers, replacement chickens, turkeys, geese, and ducks.
Flavovit 8% powder (up to 500 kg volume) 1 kg, 25 kg
Composition: 1000 g contains: 80 g of flavophospholipol and 920 g of filler.
Application: orally
Indications: The feed additive is used for all types of farm animals, poultry, and fish for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, stabilization of intestinal microflora, and improvement of feed digestibility.