Vitamin and mineral preparations. Feed additives. Probiotics
Veterinary drugs
Composition: в 1,0 г препарата содержится не менее 950 мг бенфотиамина, а также кислота лимонная ангидрид.
Application: препарат задают внутрь в смеси с кормом
Indications: препарат применяют норкам и другим пушным зверям с лечебной и профилактическими целями при гипо- и авитаминозе тиамина.
Application: препарат задают внутрь в смеси с кормом
Indications: препарат применяют норкам и другим пушным зверям с лечебной и профилактическими целями при гипо- и авитаминозе тиамина.
Vitamix-1 powder (50 g, 1 kg)
Composition: 1,000 g contains: vitamin A - 10,000,000 IU; vitamin D3 -20,000,000 IU; vitamin E - 4,000 mg; vitamin B1 -1000 mg; vitamin B2 - 2,000 mg; vitamin K3 (menadione) -2,000 mg; selenium-33 mg; vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 12,000 mg; vitamin Bs (folic acid) - 300 mg; vitamin B6 - 1 600 mg; calcium pantothenate - 4000 mg; antioxidant (VTN) - 1,000 mg; betaine - 8,000 mg; methionine 1%; lysine - 2%; chlorides - 0.978%; sodium - 0.285%; calcium - 0.39%.
Application: orally
Indications: Premix "Vitamix-1" is used to enrich diets with vitamins and biologically active substances, to increase the productivity of animals, to prevent vitamin deficiency, to increase the natural resistance of animals, as well as to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in animals and birds. Premix "Vitamix-1" is designed to optimize diets and normalize vitamin metabolism in pigs, cattle and poultry.
Application: orally
Indications: Premix "Vitamix-1" is used to enrich diets with vitamins and biologically active substances, to increase the productivity of animals, to prevent vitamin deficiency, to increase the natural resistance of animals, as well as to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in animals and birds. Premix "Vitamix-1" is designed to optimize diets and normalize vitamin metabolism in pigs, cattle and poultry.
Vitasorb (mycotoxin adsorbent) powder 1 kg
Composition: The feed additive contains: mineral adsorbent (glauconite or bentonite or kaolinite) and auxiliary substances.
Application: orally
Indications: The feed additive is used for all types of agricultural animals and poultry to prevent and reduce the risk of developing mycotoxicosis.
Application: orally
Indications: The feed additive is used for all types of agricultural animals and poultry to prevent and reduce the risk of developing mycotoxicosis.
Carnivette solution 1 l
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains: L-carnitine hydrochloride - 0.05 g, magnesium sulfate seven-water - 0.20 g; auxiliary substances: sorbitol - 0.25 g, purified water and other fillers up to 1.0 ml.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used in poultry, pigs, cattle for the prevention and treatment of hepatosis of various origins, to improve digestion in complex therapy for gastroenteritis and abomazoenteritis, with malnutrition of animals and poultry, as well as to improve metabolic functions in animals and poultry during critical periods of life (stress, intense growth, productivity, etc.).
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used in poultry, pigs, cattle for the prevention and treatment of hepatosis of various origins, to improve digestion in complex therapy for gastroenteritis and abomazoenteritis, with malnutrition of animals and poultry, as well as to improve metabolic functions in animals and poultry during critical periods of life (stress, intense growth, productivity, etc.).
Mildrovet (metabolic), injectable 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains meldonium - 0.1 g and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in horses, cattle, pigs, dogs and cats in complex therapy to increase the body's resistance to various diseases (bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis), to treat animals and prevent functional diseases of the nervous system (stress, neurosis), acute and chronic heart failure.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in horses, cattle, pigs, dogs and cats in complex therapy to increase the body's resistance to various diseases (bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis), to treat animals and prevent functional diseases of the nervous system (stress, neurosis), acute and chronic heart failure.
Rubiotic 1 kg
Composition: The composition of the preparation includes: a mixture of cultures of probiotics Lactococcus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacterium at least 1x108 CFU / g at the time of release and at least 1x107 CFU / g during the shelf life; fillers (food lactose, dextrose)
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used to normalize the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the natural resistance and productivity of animals, including poultry and fish, as well as domestic animals.
Application: orally
Indications: The drug is used to normalize the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the natural resistance and productivity of animals, including poultry and fish, as well as domestic animals.
Ruferran 200 plus 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains: 200 mg of iron, in the form of iron dextran, excipients: aloe extract, solvents up to 1.0 ml.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in calves, lambs and piglets for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
Application: intravenously
Indications: The drug is used in calves, lambs and piglets for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
Composition: препарат содержит в 1,0 мл в качестве действующего вещества 100,0 мг железа, а также вспомогательные компоненты: экстракт алоэ, консервант и растворитель - до 1,0 мл.
Application: в/м
Indications: препарат применяют телятам, ягнятам и поросятам для профилактики и лечения при железодефицитной анемии
Application: в/м
Indications: препарат применяют телятам, ягнятам и поросятам для профилактики и лечения при железодефицитной анемии
Selekar (B-carotene, Vit E, selenium), injection 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the preparation contains: 0.002 g of beta-carotene, 0.25 g of vitamin E, 0.005 g of diacetophenonyl selenide and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of animals with diseases caused by a lack of vitamins A, E, selenium (white muscle disease, xerophthalmia, osteomalacia, tetany, toxic liver dystrophy, dermatitis). The drug is recommended in the complex therapy of animals with infectious and invasive diseases, as well as during the rehabilitation of the body after an illness, in stressful situations, a decrease in productivity, in non-healing wounds and ulcers, and bone fractures. The drug is used in case of non-compliance with the norms of feeding and keeping animals, as well as in violation of reproductive function, during pregnancy, lactation, to stimulate the growth of young animals, increase the reproductive capacity of cows, and prevent postpartum complications.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of animals with diseases caused by a lack of vitamins A, E, selenium (white muscle disease, xerophthalmia, osteomalacia, tetany, toxic liver dystrophy, dermatitis). The drug is recommended in the complex therapy of animals with infectious and invasive diseases, as well as during the rehabilitation of the body after an illness, in stressful situations, a decrease in productivity, in non-healing wounds and ulcers, and bone fractures. The drug is used in case of non-compliance with the norms of feeding and keeping animals, as well as in violation of reproductive function, during pregnancy, lactation, to stimulate the growth of young animals, increase the reproductive capacity of cows, and prevent postpartum complications.
Stimulong, injectable drug 100 ml
Composition: 1.0 ml of the drug contains 0.05 mg of cyanocobalamin, 0.1 g of butophosphamide and solvent up to 1.0 ml.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used for all types of farm animals, dogs, cats, in complex therapy for hypotension and atony of the uterus, for the prevention of postpartum complications (tetany, postpartum paresis); as a tonic for fatigue in horses (2-3 days before the competition); young animals and poultry - complex therapy for bronchopneumonia, infections of soft tissues and skin, infections of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, for fractures for better regeneration of bone tissue; as an immunostimulating agent for mass infectious diseases of animals and poultry; with rickets, hypomagnesemia, with paresis and paralysis, with myocarditis and myocardosis; with metabolic disorders, anorexia, gastritis, anemia; as antitoxic for helminthiasis; to stimulate growth in puppies and kittens.
Application: i / utero, s / c
Indications: The drug is used for all types of farm animals, dogs, cats, in complex therapy for hypotension and atony of the uterus, for the prevention of postpartum complications (tetany, postpartum paresis); as a tonic for fatigue in horses (2-3 days before the competition); young animals and poultry - complex therapy for bronchopneumonia, infections of soft tissues and skin, infections of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, for fractures for better regeneration of bone tissue; as an immunostimulating agent for mass infectious diseases of animals and poultry; with rickets, hypomagnesemia, with paresis and paralysis, with myocarditis and myocardosis; with metabolic disorders, anorexia, gastritis, anemia; as antitoxic for helminthiasis; to stimulate growth in puppies and kittens.